Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy New Farm Year!

And now a new year begins on the farm, and we got a head start on Boxing Day. I saw an ad for a 2 yr old Berkshire sow and I jumped at it. So, the day free Christmas we piled into the truck to bring home Fannie. She is a great big sweetie, and it just do happens that we found her a boyfriend on-line and she is going to spend some quality time with him today! With any luck, in three months three weeks and three days, we will have piglets!

My big Christmas gift this year was an incubator and we saved a weeks worth of eggs and started it up before The holidays. On 7 Jan 2012, we had 4 of the eggs hatch and we were blessed with our first home grown chicks! Not as many as we hoped, but our very own nonetheless. I have already cleaned out the incubator and started a new batch yesterday. A few weeks ago a neighbor gave us a gift of seven hens and four of them are Delawares. Since our rooster is a Rhode Island Red, I am looking forward to that cross. I am enjoying these layers and I think that the poultry aspect of our farm is here to stay!